Kristin Price: Voice Talent, Actor, Geek.
Seventeen years of experience. Zero years of ego trips.
Voiceover. Voice-Over? Voice Acting. Whatever you want to call it, voice over means bringing words to life. Creating an emotional, honest connection with a listener in seconds. Telling a story. Crafting the personality of a brand. Lifting your words off the page (um, iPad) and giving them… voice!
Click here for a compilation of Kristin’s voiceover work!
Let’s talk about Voice-Over (or voiceover, or voice over, or voice acting… )
At its most basic, VO is talking into a mic. “Ah,” you think, “Couldn’t anyone do that?” Well, technically, sure. Anyone can buy a USB mic, fire up GarageBand and say words. But experienced voice talent bring much more to the table - er, booth:
We don’t just say the words - we tell a story with them. Remember that time you found yourself hooked into a TV commercial even though you’d planned to go make a snack right then? Or when you sat in your parked car for a bit because you just HAD to finish a chapter of an audiobook? It’s because the voice made a connection with you. Maybe it was an unexpected playfulness on a phrase, something that made you laugh, or the way the actor found precisely the right tone to tug at your heart.
We give you calm professionalism and a practiced attention to detail. My job is to give you exactly the read you want: the right feeling, the right emphasis, the right timing. Go on, give me nit-picky direction. It won’t bruise my ego, just make your end product better. I’ll keep the phrasings you like and adjust the ones you didn’t until you have the perfect read.
We’re consistent. Have you ever needed to make a small change to your project, but the VO just couldn’t seem to give you a piece of audio that matched what they gave you before? My StudioBricks One Plus booth is a dedicated, stand-alone, sound-treated recording space that sounds exactly the same from one day to the next. So does my voice: I have years of experience matching vocal tone and energy so projects can be updated seamlessly. That new phrase will drop in to your video without a hitch.
We reduce your stress. You’ll get it done the right way the first time.
All that tech stuff? We’re comfy with it! I’d love to work with you by phone, Skype, or Zoom, or record it remotely through SourceConnect, SessionLink, CleanFeed… etc.
What (specifically) Do I do?
You’ll hear me solving puzzles in video games; weaving stories in audiobooks; explaining cool new tech products in website and social media videos; selling you stuff in TV, radio, and internet commercials; cheerfully talking at you while you’re on hold with dozens of businesses; making medical terminology (including Fair Balance and ISI) sound easy; bringing an easygoing clarity to your company’s compliance training; encouraging your kids to dive into a history textbook; and somewhere out there, as the voice of an interactive doorbell.
A California native and adopted New Yorker, I’m also a massive geek; enthusiastic cookie baker; devotee of solving the NY Times Sunday Crossword in pen; and perhaps a little too proud that I can still do the splits.
Fully-Stocked Home Studio
Studiobricks One Plus booth
Sennheiser MKH416 and AKG 414 mics
RME babyface Pro
Mac Mini
Collaboration Options
In-Person Sessions: I am fully vaccinated and able to visit any NYC-area studio.
Client-Directed Session: join me in my home studio via your preferred connectivity option.
Self-Directed session: Send an email with your concept, and I’ll record takes on my own (one round of retakes included in the session cost).
Available for Commercials, Audiobooks, eLearning, Explainer Videos, Tutorials, Corporate Branding, Compliance Training, Medical Training, Medical Fair Balance and ISI, Pharmaceutical Training, Live Event Announcing, Textbooks and Educational Supplemental Programs, Phone Systems, Promos, Radio Imaging, Video Games, Promotional Videos, Guided Museum Tours and much more.
On-Camera Acting - Yes, that too! Check out my On-Camera page.